This section contains links to tutorials created by your fellow creators, who share their expertise and experience with you. We will add tutorials as they are published, so be sure to check back in regularly!
Tips and Tricks for New Creators
How to Create a Compelling Character
What is the Three-Act Structure?
Ten Tips for Creating First Episodes!
Dialogue 101 for Comic Artists
Cover Tutorials for Novelists and Artists
Longtime community creators Beau van Dalen and Joanne Kwan share their tips and tricks on what to keep in mind when creating covers for novels and webcomics.
Just Starting Out?
Plan the structure of your story with KR Wright's Three-Act Structure tutorial, then check out Beau Van Dalen's Ten Tips for Creating First Episodes!
What is the Three-Act Structure?
Ten Tips for Creating First Episodes!
Dialogue Tutorials for Novelists
Check out this crash course on dialogue basics for novelists by linaket!
Dialogue 101 for Comic Artists
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